Bicycle Helmet Laws in Honolulu, HI

Every year, about 1,500 people are killed or injured in bicycling accidents in Hawaii. Nationwide, bicycle accidents are also on the rise. The last decade saw a 36 percent increase in the number of bicyclists killed in accidents with motor vehicles. Even collisions that don’t result in death can cause serious injuries, and it’s usually the cyclist who bears the brunt of the damage.

One way that safety advocates have tried to protect riders is by enacting bicycle helmet laws. If you’re a cyclist in Hawaii, it’s important to be aware of these laws so that you ride responsibly and take every possible step to protect yourself in case of a crash.

The Hawaii bicycle accident lawyers at Recovery Law Center have spent more than 25 years helping accident victims recover fair compensation after being injured on Oahu. Keep reading to learn more about Honolulu’s bicycle helmet laws. For personalized legal support, call or contact our office for a free initial consultation today. 

Consult a Honolulu Bicycle Accident Attorney to Help You with Your Case 

Cracked bicycle helmet on wet pavement near a damaged bike and a stopped car in the rain

If you were hit by a car or injured because of unsafe road conditions, a Honolulu bicycle accident attorney can help you understand your legal options.

Legal Guidance on Traffic Laws

Hawaii has strict traffic laws to protect cyclists, but not all drivers follow them. Many accidents happen when cars fail to yield, park in bike lanes, or drive too close to cyclists. A lawyer can determine if the driver broke the law and how that affects your case.

Holding Negligent Drivers Accountable

Drivers must follow the rules, such as stopping at intersections and keeping a safe distance from cyclists. Accidents often happen when a driver ignores a complete stop, turns without looking, or blocks a usable bicycle lane. An attorney can help prove negligence and fight for fair compensation.

Road Conditions and City Responsibility

Not all bicycle accidents involve cars. Poor road maintenance, debris, or a lack of bike paths can also lead to injuries. A lawyer can investigate if the city or property owner is responsible if your accident happened due to potholes, unmarked lanes, or unsafe crossings like a pedestrian overpass.

Insurance Claims and Compensation

Insurance companies may try to reduce your payout or deny your claim. A lawyer knows how to deal with them and ensure you receive compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. They can also help if the driver is uninsured or underinsured.

Understanding Your Rights as a Cyclist

Hawaii law requires cyclists to follow specific safety rules, such as using lighted lamps at night and staying in bike lanes when available. However, drivers also must share the road. If you were injured while traveling slower than traffic or avoiding parked cars, an attorney can prove you had the right to be there.

Get the Help You Need

A bicycle accident can change your life, but you don’t have to handle it alone. A Honolulu bicycle accident attorney can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and help you get the compensation you deserve.

What are Bicycle Helmet Laws in Honolulu, HI? 

Honolulu does not have its own local bicycle helmet law. Instead, Honolulu residents and visitors must follow Hawaii’s bicycle helmet laws, which apply to everyone in the state. Anyone under the age of 16 is required to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle.

Furthermore, the helmet’s design must meet specifications set by a “nationally recognized” safety agency such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) or the National Safety Council.

In addition, Hawaii’s bicycle helmet law applies to anyone riding on or being towed by a bicycle, not just the person controlling the bike. For example, someone riding in the rear of a tandem bike or a child being towed in a trailer behind the bicycle would be required to wear a helmet if they’re younger than 16.

Other Safety Regulations for Bicyclists in Hawaii 

Green bike lane with a white bicycle symbol and dashed center line on a paved path

In addition to Hawaii’s bicycle helmet law, there are other safety regulations that bicyclists are required to follow. Cyclists must:

  • Use proper hand signals when approaching an intersection to indicate whether they are turning or slowing down. They should use these hand signals when they’re about 100 feet from the intersection.
  • Ride with the flow of traffic at all times.
  • Ride sober.
  • Use the bicycle lane whenever one is available. If there is no bicycle lane, riders should use the right-most traffic lane. However, bicyclists can use the center lane in certain circumstances, such as making a left turn at an intersection or avoiding debris in the right lane.
  • Not ride on freeways.
  • Avoid riding on sidewalks in business districts. Any cyclist riding on the sidewalk in an area where it is legal must yield to pedestrians, use an audible signal when passing a pedestrian, and ride at 10 miles per hour or less.
  • Ride on the road whenever possible.
  • Have functioning brakes on their bicycle at all times.
  • Ride with bikes equipped with certain safety features, including:
    • A front lamp that’s visible from 500 feet away and emits white light
    • A red rear reflector that’s visible from 600 feet away
    • Reflective material or lamps on both wheels that can be seen from 600 feet away

Why Should You Wear a Helmet?

Aside from the fact that wearing a helmet while riding a bike is required if you’re under a certain age, the primary reason to do so is for safety.

While bicycle accidents can result in a wide variety of injuries, the most serious are traumatic brain injuries or TBIs. These kinds of injuries often result in permanent brain damage, which can impact your ability to move and communicate, as well as your personality and memory.

There’s ample evidence that bicycle helmets, when worn properly and designed to meet safety recommendations, do an effective job of preventing traumatic brain injuries. A study in the academic journal Accident Analysis & Prevention found that helmets reduce head injuries overall by 48 percent, serious head injuries by 60 percent, and TBIs by 53 percent. Furthermore, the study’s authors found that helmets also reduced facial injuries by 23 percent and the number of killed or seriously injured cyclists by 34 percent.

Honolulu’s Bicycle Accident Fatality and Injury Rates

Three cyclists riding mountain bikes on a dirt trail with a scenic city and mountain view

With little to shield them from the direct force of impact in a collision, bicyclists often sustain serious and fatal injuries in wrecks. Consider these statistics:

  • During one five-year period, 16 out of 17 bicycle accident fatalities involved a motor vehicle, according to the Hawaii Department of Health.
  • The Department of Health also reports there were 91 hospital admissions for non-fatal bicycle accidents and 1,065 emergency room visits for non-fatal bike crashes in just three years in Hawaii.
  • According to preliminary data submitted by the Hawaii Department of Transportation to the NHTSA, there were 20 bicycle accident fatalities in the state over a recent seven-year period.

Prioritize Safety and Legal Support for Cyclists in Honolulu

Bicycle helmet laws in Honolulu help protect cyclists from serious head injuries and ensure safer roads for everyone. Following these laws reduces the risk of accidents and improves overall traffic safety. Whether riding in a bike lane, on the roadway, or near parked cars, wearing a helmet adds a layer of protection.

Bicyclists must follow traffic laws, use proper hand signals, and stop at stop signs completely. Motorists also have a role in keeping the streets safe by respecting bike lanes and watching for cyclists, especially when passing or making a left turn. Compliance with helmet laws and other safety regulations benefits both riders and drivers.

You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one has been in a bicycle accident in Honolulu. Recovery Law Center, a trusted bicycle accident attorney in Hawaii, can help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your case and protect your rights.

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Glenn T. Honda

Glenn T. Honda

As the founding attorney of the Recovery Law Center, Glenn is passionate about finding the best possible outcome for his clients [...] Meet Glenn

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