Recovery Law Center COVID-19 Update [Updated September 2020]

Glenn Honda | | Our Firm

You Don’t Need to Leave the House to Meet with Our Lawyers.

Concerned About Coronavirus?

We all have a duty to keep ourselves, our families, our neighbors, and our communities safe right now. This means temporarily reshaping the way we live our lives to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). At Recovery Law Center we are taking this duty seriously and are practicing the “social distancing” guidelines recommended by health officials. To ensure you still have access to us, our lawyers are available to meet with you remotely so we can answer your legal questions and discuss your case.

Across the nation, people are limiting in-person contact as much as possible to help slow the spread of the virus and allow our health care system to operate within its capacity. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to provide important guidance about what we all can do to protect ourselves and others from exposure. (Visit the CDC website for the most up-to-date information and recommendations.)

During this challenging time, our attorney remains available to talk about your legal issues over the phone or via free video conferencing services such as:

  • GoToMeeting
  • Facetime
  • Skype
  • Zoom

If you are ready to speak with a lawyer now, please contact us to schedule your free consultation. Our team can meet with you remotely and get started on your case immediately without having to talk in person. Our business is not being interrupted and we are available 24/7 via our website chat or phone.

*Originally published March 2020, updated September 2020.

Glenn T. Honda

For over 29 years, attorney Glenn Honda has helped people injured in accidents throughout Hawaii get the best outcome for their case, whether it’s maximizing their settlement, or balancing costs and risks vs. putting the whole experience behind them. As the founding attorney of the Recovery Law Center, he is passionate about helping his clients with their physical, emotional and financial recovery. Mr. Honda will fight to get you coverage for your medical bills, lost wages, damaged property and other costs related to your accident.

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