Auto Accidents Often Prompt Lengthy Investigations

Glenn Honda | | Car Accidents

When a motorist is involved in a motor vehicle collision in Hawaii, there may be more questions than answers about who or what may have caused a particular incident to occur. This is why many auto accidents often result in extensive police investigations. In fact, one such situation took place Waianae that still has traffic investigators searching for answers.

The accident occurred when two vehicles somehow crashed head-on. Although accidents like this are often caused by drunk drivers or those who have fallen asleep behind their wheels, a news report did not mention those as factors in this tragedy. The collision occurred at approximately 6:30 p.m., though few other details were reported.

A 60-year-old woman was traveling in one of the vehicles. When two cars smash head-to-head, the impact is typically quite severe. In this case, it left the woman pinned inside her car. Sadly, she went into full cardiac arrest while trapped and did not survive the incident.

Three other people were reportedly also injured in the crash. Several families are likely awaiting the results of the investigation. When auto accidents result in serious injuries or death, the situations often lead to the filing of personal injury or wrongful death claims. This is because a recovering victim or immediate family member of a deceased victim may pursue recovery for monetary losses if another party was deemed negligent in a manner that caused or materially contributed to a particular collision. Because it is typically quite challenging to prove that another person’s negligence caused an accident that resulted in someone’s injury, most people facing filing such claims in Hawaii turn to experienced personal injury attorneys for guidance.

Source:, “Fatal Car Accident in Waianae“, Accessed on Nov. 8, 2017

Glenn T. Honda

For over 29 years, attorney Glenn Honda has helped people injured in accidents throughout Hawaii get the best outcome for their case, whether it’s maximizing their settlement, or balancing costs and risks vs. putting the whole experience behind them. As the founding attorney of the Recovery Law Center, he is passionate about helping his clients with their physical, emotional and financial recovery. Mr. Honda will fight to get you coverage for your medical bills, lost wages, damaged property and other costs related to your accident.

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