Hawaii DOT report finds decrease in traffic fatalities statewide in 2023

Glenn Honda | |

HONOLULU, HI – The Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation released its latest update on traffic fatality statistics for 2023 this week.

HDOT found that as of Dec. 13, there had been 92 fatalities caused by motor vehicle collisions statewide, down from 112 at this time in 2022.  Officials attributed the decrease to an improvement in driving behavior in Hawai’i.  According to a Statewide Attitudinal and Behavior Survey, speeding among drivers and DUIs from truck drivers have both declined, while more people are deciding to get into a vehicle with a sober driver.

The report did, however, find that motorcycle accident fatalities have remained consistently high for multiple years, with 27 such fatalities so far this year along with increases in DUIs and speeding.  There have also been nine fatalities from bicycle accidents, the highest recorded number of deaths among bicyclists in Hawai‘i.   The survey indicated that bike and e-bike ridership along with the use of lights and bright clothing increased, but the use of helmets and hand signals has decreased.

The HDOT reminded all motorists to practice safe driving when next to a biker, as they face the greatest risk on the road and even a slight collision could be fatal. Motorists should be checking mirrors and blind spots frequently allowing for adequate following distance, and always using signals before making a turn or changing lanes, officials said.

Overall, HDOT stressed the importance of positive driving behaviors such as allowing for people to make mistakes; being willing to share the road with other drivers; putting down all distractions, and planning for ample travel time to avoid the need to speed.

If you have been the victim of a crash caused by a dangerous driver, let a lawyer from the Recovery Law Center handle your legal affairs while you heal. Our skilled Hawaii car accident lawyer at the Recovery Law Center can help you seek compensation for the losses that you have experienced. Give us a call at (808) 427-3088 or visit our contact page to schedule a free consultation regarding your case.

Glenn T. Honda

For over 29 years, attorney Glenn Honda has helped people injured in accidents throughout Hawaii get the best outcome for their case, whether it’s maximizing their settlement, or balancing costs and risks vs. putting the whole experience behind them. As the founding attorney of the Recovery Law Center, he is passionate about helping his clients with their physical, emotional and financial recovery. Mr. Honda will fight to get you coverage for your medical bills, lost wages, damaged property and other costs related to your accident.


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